Fill out our short form in just 2 minutes to register you on AdScout.
Tools for Success
AdScout is a platform that allows you to easily reach new customers through trusted promoters. Pay commissions only for real results.
At AdScout, we understand the importance of improving the user experience on your website.That's why we offer a solution to take your user interaction to the next level through engaging video incentives.
Fill out our short form in just 2 minutes to register you on AdScout.
Within 1-2 business days of your registration, we'll email you next-step instructions and a partnership agreement. In the meantime, we'll go over your website and set everything up for you.
Once everything is ready, all that's left is to provide your custom widget and step-by-step instructions to get it on your website in less than 5 minutes.
Congratulations! Promoters can now see and create ads for you while you watch them promote your brand and increase your sales!
We are always ready to solve the problems you encounter when using AdScout. We are available for you around the clock.
Personalized recommendations and video guidance that skyrocket your sales.